OS:Achilles Ligeras' Magnetic Engine (ALME)
An Open Source Magnet Motor Project

ALME (Achilles Ligeras' Magnetic Engine)
The diagram is a simplification. The red signifies one polarity as seen by the magnet in proximity. The opposite polarity, of course, would be present on the opposite side.
Download alme12.exe (472 kb) - executable file that allows stop/start, speed up, slow down of the device animation.
NOTE: The prototype only ran counterclockwise, not clockwise as is being depicted in the animated gif above.
The diagram is a simplification. The red signifies one polarity as seen by the magnet in proximity. The opposite polarity, of course, would be present on the opposite side.
Download alme12.exe (472 kb) - executable file that allows stop/start, speed up, slow down of the device animation.
NOTE: The prototype only ran counterclockwise, not clockwise as is being depicted in the animated gif above.
American-Grecian inventor, Achilles ("Archie") Ligeras, who resides
in New York, claims to have built a working prototype that demonstrate
his original concept of a motor driven by magnets only, with no other
input. An animation of his design is shown to the right.
This is another in a long stream of claims to working magnet motors, none of which have yet emerged with a clear public demonstration.
If this one can be proven and refined for commercial application,
this technology could revolutionize the energy industry, providing a
clean energy source that is everywhere present and constant, replacing
the need for any kind of fuel, and allowing a pure "distributed energy"
paradigm -- to the point of each appliance having its own power source.
Smaller versions may be limited, such as for a cell phone, but the
repowering station for the batteries could be portable.
Achilles claims that his working prototype achieved a rotation
speed of approximately 1500 rpm for fifteen minutes, and ran
continuously at a slower speed for about 48 hours. At the end of that
run, the motor box housing was hot to the touch, but not too hot to
touch. The heat was most likely a function of friction from the various
rollers and bearings. He applied a Schwinn bike generator to generate a
few watts of electricity. He also tried stopping the shaft wearing
leather garden gloves, and said that it was quite hard to stop the
In the process of removing the housing from the motor in
preparation for its photographing and videotaping, the device broke. A
second, more professionally-machined prototype was completed Feb. 19,
2009, but unfortunately did not work.
Achilles now wishes to give this idea away to the world for open source development. He has chosen this site, PESWiki.com, to be the official location for this project development by the world community.
This site is a publicly editable site, like Wikipedia. You are
welcome to log in and join in the development of this material as new
information becomes available.
- In open sourcing this idea, Achilles only asks that he receive a 6% royalty on any commercial development of the technology (whether plans, kits, or finished units), which royalty he will share with PES Network, Inc., which is coordinating this project.
Diagram Description
The following description was obtained from a phone interview Sterling D. Allan had with Achilles on the evening of Sept. 29, 2008.
The diagram is a simplification to make visualization of the concept easier. We'll call red "south (S)", and blue "north (N)".
In Archie's prototype, all of what is depicted in this diagram was housed inside a vented plywood box of dimensions 14" x 14" x 8" high, with the shaft protruding from the [black] box. After he gave the shaft a spin by hand, it would begin accellerating on its own until it reached a stable speed of approximately 1500 rpm (not accurately measured). [Editor's note: it could be that the eddy effect between magnets and the aluminum components prevents the motor from spinning faster, creating a self-braking effect. If brass, plastic or other non-magnetic material were used this effect would go away, allowing for greater torque and speed.] The points of friction were lubricated with synthetic oil.
All magnets were neodymium, custom shaped by a U.S. company per the specs given. Most of the remaining assembly was made of aluminum. The shaft in the middle came from another motor. It was probably steel, and it had a groove which could be used for fastening things to the shaft to prevent them from twisting on the shaft.
The two aluminum tracks, 9, were fitted with a groove for the four rollers on the two sides of the slider to ride in. Archie says that in a well-machined prototype, such tracks would not be necessary. The tracks are held stationary by the housing (not shown in diagram), while the rest of the aparatus moves within the housing. The slider (5, 3 and between) moves like a piston, two cycles per full rotation of the flywheel, 6.
The Cam, 7, and also the counterbalance, 4, were shaped from hard wood.
6 is the rotating flywheel to which 1 and 2 are attached. 1 and 2 are the rotor magnet sets, held in a housing with five magnets each. These magnets are spaced with about a 1/4" gap between them.
The housing for the rotor magnet sets, 1 and 2, each have two points at which they are fastened to the flywheel. In the top of the diagram, there is one bolt that is stationary -- the pivot point. On the bottom of the diagram, the bolt is in a hole that is adjustable so that the magnet housing can be moved closer to or further from to the perimeter. The closer this end of the rotor housing is to the magnets 3 and 5, the more torque the motor has. The further away the rotor housing is, the less torque the motor has. "In the new prototype I am incorporating a servo motor mechanism controlling both spinning housings' angles containing the magnets."
These two items, 1 and 2, are positioned symmetrically on the flywheel. The hole depicted in the diagram (not numbered, but above and to the right of 5) were not in the first prototype. The purpose is to provide balance in the weight distribution. [Editor's note: Other, adjustable counterweight measures will need to be employed to offset the adjustment of 1 and 2.]
In 1, the five magnets are oriented so that "N" faces inward, and "S" faced outward.
In 2, the five magnets are oriented so that "S" faces inward, and "N" faced outward.
3 and 5 are single magnets each, with "S" facing outward and "N" inward. In the first prototype, they were held in place by an upper and lower plate that extended from the sliding apparatus (not labeled in the diagram), with screws protruding to tighten into the magnet, making a pressure fit.
There are four rollers 8: two on the top, and two on the bottom. These are made of plastic, with metal bearings between the plastic and the protruding post. The four rollers in the slider, though smaller, are of similar composition. The bearings holding the main shaft in the middle in place on the top and bottom of the housing (not shown), were regular steel ball bearings.
Relative Sizes of the Magnets in the ALME
Information received from Archie via phone to Sterling D. Allan on Sept. 30, 2008 and Oct. 1, 2008.
Important note: While it depicts the general idea of motion, the animation above is not an accurate depiction of magnet size and shape. This present section and diagram are to define the proper shape and relative size and focal point of the magnets involved in the ALME. In the final assembly, the elevation of the rotor magnets should be the same as the elevation of the slider magnets.
Please bear in mind that this diagram is not intended as an assembly diagram. The placement and spacing of the rotor magnets will be different in the assembly.
In the diagram, you will see that we are essentially taking a cylindrical magnet and are chopping it into twelve equal segments -- except that the magnetic orientation will be different for each set of magnets. In terms of size, all magnets have the same arc, thickness, width, and height. Ten of those segments will be used in the rotor section of the device, five in each rotor segment, with a gap between them; and two of the segments will be used on the slider, one for each side.
Important note: Magnet manufacturers are able to give magnets their magnetic orientation as well as a "focal point". The focal point of all the rotor magnets will be inward, like a parabolic dish focusing solar rays. Five of the rotor magnets will have the N side inward, and five will have the S side inward. However, on the slider magnets, even though the shape of the magnet would suggest that the focal point would be inward, toward the center of the circle, the magnet manufacturer needs to be instructed to place the focal point outward.
The centers of the two circles are depicted. C1 refers to the flywheel center. C2 refers to the rotor magnet circle. Note that circle 1 and circle two both line up on the left side. The reason for this depiction is to drive the distance that the slider will travel back and forth so that the cam can be engineered properly. The slider travel distance will be 2x the distance between C1 and C2.
Also derived from this schematic is the size of the slider in relation to the arc of the circle that makes the magnets. Note that the slider is as long as the inside of the hexagon formed by the lines inside the circle.
Remaining Questions:
What is the size of the Flywheel in relation to the size of the rotor circle?
What the relative thickness of the magnets is supposed to be (inside v/ outside perimeter of rotor circle)?
Diagrams: Jan. 2009
On Jan. 23, 2009, Achilles wrote:
It is time to partially reveal how A.L.M.E. will look with one condition though....No further questions till it's ready to be shown to the public.
I want to answer all the questions when the A.L.M.E. will be shown to the public via video
On January 25, 2009 9:25 AM Mountain, Achilles wrote:
Here is the secret: ALME is actually a double ALME at 90 degrees offset engagement through permanently connected rotor/flywheel gears. This arrangement overcomes friction and magnetic lock because it's no longer a closed loop system, it's an endless open loop mechanical system. We are getting close to have it totally assembled.
We now have inner cam(s) and top mounted slider(s). This arrangement is way better than the original design. In a computer simulation [of the completed assembly], the engine works.
On January 26, 2009 7:07 AM Mountain, Achilles wrote regarding the above image:
The slider reverses direction at the end of the stroke before the first rotor magnet and the slider's magnet start to engage. This is critical. The other critical point is that the inner cam is designed in such a perfect way that the dead center of both the sliders' magnets maintain the exact same distance from the rotor magnets during rotation. Also the slider's magnets are both adjustable in order to achieve the desired (lower or higher) rpms.
I have chosen almost frictionless and non magnetic rollers/bearings and sliders. The counter-weights are made with brass, and the rest of the construction is made with delrin and laser infused raisin materials. The screws and pins are also non magnetic. All these facts along with the CAD plans will be revealed with the introduction of the ALME.
Arc Magnet Orientation
Image from Archie, on Feb. 12, 2009, who gave the following statement the next day:
The arc magnet pole orientation (as depicted in web page) can also be reversed by the manufacturer as per request. Each dual ALME uses two sets (10 and 14 individual magnets) of opposite pole orientation.
The following are some slightly-edited excerpts from correspondence with Achilles, addressed to PES Network, Inc. CEO, Sterling D. Allan.
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 7:55 AM
Subject: ALME (Achilles Ligeras' Magnetic Engine)
Hello Mr. Sterling [Allan],
I do have a rough unbalanced prototype that works well, but it vibrates a lot. Is it possible that the unwanted vibrations keep it going?
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Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: ALME (Achilles Ligeras' Magnetic Engine)
I do not have a video. By the way I visit your web-site on a daily basis and I love it.
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Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 7:43 PM
Subject: No objection to post the ALME animation...........
I hope you are not offended that I am not sending to you the prototype ALME video. I have no problem if you post the ALME animation in your web site. The prototype is "home made", very unprofessional and creates an image of a half-hearted effort. I brought another invention of mine to the market and I know first had how things can work against or for you.
If you really think that the ALME has potential I have the funds ready to invest on an ALME professional prototype, since the RD phase has been completed anyway.
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Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:23 AM
Subject: Just came back.....
Just came back home. After talking and meeting countless times with my technical people in Greece it seems in theory that the reason we are getting the "A.L.M.E." engine to work is the "controlled" unbalanced fly-wheel which makes the engine wobbling-vibrating, and therefore as a consequence the wobbling-vibration breaks its extremely minimal magnetic lock at the stroke's changing position.
A number #2 professional prototype is in the works. The first crude one has been partially dismantled in order to be videotaped (big mistake) and during the partial dismantling process it was rendered unworkable.
You can reveal the whole thing to the incubator business group you are associated with and also show them the A.L.M.E.'s animation. The whole thing is very time consuming and as well it requires further expensive research and development. We will need their help. I thought to raise public money but the way things are going the only way to have the project move forward is an incubator business group like the one you are associated with.
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Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Just came back.....
Several friends plus the techies witnessed my ALME working. Affidavits? Yes. Running times? From 5 minutes to 48 hours plus continuous. Demagnetized magnets? No.
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Sent: June 29, 2008 7:23 AM
[...] My ALME has a bank of separate magnets attached on the flywheel but they are shown in the animation as one blue and one red representative of different polarities. In actuality the configuration is [5 and 5] separated with a shield between them [aluminum housing]. I don't show it in the animation intentionally.
I will eventually send you the video. My problem is time. I am the owner of [....], I am also a real estate developer and I do few other things on the side. Please also check out my [....] for one of my patented products that its rights have been already acquired by another company. On top, I am extremely creative and the new ideas come to me naturally and frequently.
At the present time were are in the very beginning stage with a mechanical engineer-designer to create a PTP (Personal Transportation Pod) concept driven by pedals attached to my ALME's modified Flywheel-Chain Gear and with an on board battery-motor (plug in) power assist unit. The PTP will have either a ball or an egg shape and it will be convertible with all the bells and whistles. Basically, we will use magnetic-pedal power coupled with an electric motor connected to a re-chargeable battery to power the PTP, which will also have a solar panel on its foldable sliding-in-place roof. By the way, the mechanical engineer-designer thinks that my ALME will work efficiently with the attached pedals.
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Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 8:07 AM
Subject: ALME
I would like these thoughts of mine to be posted in your web-site. As you know I was extremely hesitant to go ahead and reveal my ALME engine to the world via your web-site. I also told you that I am a very sensitive guy and I don't want to be subjected to ridicule. At the Google 10 to 100 competition I answered how I envision my ALME to go about if I win the price: I would prefer the Columbia or the MIT university to certify it first. That was my answer. Columbia was the first preference because my son was graduated from there with a biomedical engineering degree. My ALME seemed to work right from the start with minor adjustments that were controlling its speed. As well it stopped few times while I was playing with different adjustment combinations, that were very difficult to implement due to the way the ALME prototype was constructed.
ALME defies all related laws of physics. I don't want anybody to spend a penny yet on replicating it. My second professional prototype is in the works and till then we all should seat tight. The CAD files will also be available. At the end, ALME may not even be useful at all for a variety of unforeseen technical reasons. It may not even be certified. No certification means that it doesn't work. I want to be very clear about it.
The whole premise as it was explained to you Mr. Sterling was to have the worldwide "techies" to try to knock it down. As to the way you present new inventions, I went that road before and I learned from my very costly mistakes. You get only one shot. My shot on PESWIKI was unprofessional at best and that's a fact. Please don't knock down the "Snotty Wallstreeters". If it wasn't for them, science, research and development would all have been dead and it would have only left guys like me spending some of their hard earned money on their inventions. Thanks, Archie.
PS. To your readers: Please don't call my Diner for more ALME related info. It is a place of business and it should be respected as such. ALME is my baby after all. My Diner has nothing to do with this.
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Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 4:04 PM
Subject: Regarding ALME.......
We can only create energy by thinking outside the box. Dear friends,
Lets analyze together
ALME’s positives and negatives.
- Inertia.
- Positive acceleration.
- Slider cannot come to a stop while its two magnets are “engaged” with the rotor magnets.
- Friction and magnetic lock are overcome by ALME’s actual (partially revealed) design.
- “Magnetic Energy” is transformed to kinetic energy by the manipulation of the magnetic fields and thus resulting in a positive energy output.
- Energy cannot be created and neither can be destroyed. It can only be transformed. This major Physics Law is not violated in the case of ALME because we have transformation of “Magnetic Energy” into a kinetic one?
- Friction.
- Magnetic lock.
- Negative acceleration.
- De-magnetization?
Achilles Ligeras.
(1.41 Minutes) *Achilles Ligeras Magnet Engine (ALME) prototype - This video shows his most recent prototype which has some lock-up point problems and does not operate as he said the first one did, which was more crude. (YouTube; Feb. 25, 2009)
Jan. 29, 2009.
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Arced magnet and holder
Jan. 23, 2009.
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Assembly Minus Magnets
~Feb. 18, 2009.
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Finished Assembly
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